Does an injury, dental restoration or appliance, or medical condition make it difficult for you to effectively floss your teeth every day? Do you ever wish there was another way? You’re in luck, because there is! Try a water flosser. Here are some basic facts:
– Water flossers can clean between teeth like traditional dental floss can, but they don’t use thread. Instead, water flossers rely on high-powered water jets to clear away debris stuck between your teeth.
– If your dental floss is hindered by a dental appliance like braces, a water flosser may be a more convenient choice for you.
– Individuals with joint pain tend to struggle with flossing. If you suffer from joint pain, consider switching to an alternative interdental device like a water flosser, which is easier to operate.
– When searching for the water flosser that works best for you, talk to our dentist or look for a water flosser that features the ADA Seal.
Try out the magnificence of water flossers. If you have any questions or would like to reserve an appointment with Dr. Cris Turman and our team at our dentist office in Linton or Wishek, North Dakota, call 701-254-4521 and a member of our team will happily assist you. We look forward to seeing you and your family!